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She’s a queen of chic. She is so well-dressed. Gogirl! suka banget sama personal style-nya yang selalu keliatan flawless tapi tetep stunning. From the front row at Fashion Week to red carpet, even on her regular days, Olivia Palermo keeps her classic, trend-setting style that makes people couldn’t keep their eyes off of her to grab some inspirations.

1. For a day out, try culottes! Paduin sama turtleneck top, blazer, dan court shoes buat nambah sentuhan formal di outfit kamu.
2. Olivia jago banget bikin gaya fashion-nya keliatan beda. Buat ke party, put on a white shirt inside your strapless dress. Tambahin statement necklace dan cuff bracelets, serta clutch dengan warna kontras dari dress kamu.
3. She made long waistcoat trending, lho! Mix it with white shirt, pajama pants (another trend she will make, maybe?), high-heel sandals and a clutch.
4. Olivia kayaknya suka banget pake waistcoat. Kali ini bahkan dia make long waistcoat as a skirt, dipaduin sama printed shirt and another waistcoat over them. Add a pink clutch, court shoes and sunglasses to complete your look.
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